
6 Random Facts About Paul Ryan

Over the next several weeks, you'll probably learn everything there is to know--and then some--about Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, whom Mitt Romney tapped to be his running mate on the GOP presidential ticket. Here's a head start on some of the more personal facts about Ryan, which will undoubtedly get lost in the deluge of political attacks. This collection of items probably won't sway votes one way or the other, but it may remind Americans that Ryan is relatable:

1. He does P90x. P90x is an intense workout program that you can order and do in your home--and it's also intensly popular. Ryan was the "unofficial leader" of a group of congressmen who took on the workout challenge, according to The Wall Street Journal, and even Democrats occasionally joined the group. In fact, Ryan told Politico's Mike Allen in a YouTube video posted in 2010 that he led the workouts with Democrat Bart Stupak. See? A bipartisan leader who gets things done.

2. He's been known to listen to grunge music, reports Politico. Stereotype that.

3. Ryan worked three jobs when he came out of college, according to an interview he did with Politico's Mike Allen--one of those jobs was as a fitness trainer. You can listen to the interview below (and hear Ryan sing more of P90x's praises...have you bought the DVDs yet?).

4. His budget sense and sound conservative fiscal policy inspired a popular tumblr (which turned budget lines into pickup lines), though he definitely did not ask for or endorse it.

5. He wrestles catfish--yeah, you've got to read more about it here.

6. His wife's family was "Oklahoma Democratic royalty," according to The New York Times.