
RNC Chairmanship Candidates to Debate This Afternoon

We've been following the developing battle over the RNC Chairmanship for weeks, but today, the race kicks into high gear.  Americans for Tax Reform and the Daily Caller are hosting a debate among the six declared candidates for the Republican National Committee's top spot, currently occupied by Michael Steele -- who is seeking re-election.  Here's ATR's rundown of today's event:

Who:  Michael Steele, Saul Anuzis, Maria Cino, Gentry Collins, Reince Priebus, Ann Wagner

What:  Debate among candidates running for the Chairmanship of the RNC

When:   Monday, January 3, 2011; 1:00 pm – 2:30 p.m. ET.

Doors open:  Noon

Where:  National Press Club (529 14th St. NW), 13th Floor, Ballroom

Metro, driving directions, and parking information: Click here

Official Debate Website:

I will be in attendance, live-tweeting the event.  For those who can't stream the debate live, I'll post a summary here at Townhall.