
RNC Addresses Debt During General Session Opening

The RNC General Session is underway this Friday, and is on scene to give you the latest news.

Quick refresher: Four candidates are  up right now against Michael Steele to be the next RNC chairman: Reince Priebus, Saul Anuzis, Ann Wagner, Maria Cino (who has Speaker Boehner's backing).

A big challenge facing whoever becomes the next chairman is the RNC's debt.  The committee addressed that during the opening of the session, saying they have about $6 million in debt to vendors, and $15 million in bank notes. One $5 million note was due this February, but the RNC has been able to negotiate a due date of Feb 2012. Another $5 million note comes due in June, and the third is due in May 2012.

What do you think?  How important should the debt feature in the election of chairman?