
Bachmann Endorses Hoffman, Conservatives Do The Happy Dance

In addition to Ken Blackwell, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) endorsed Doug Hoffman today, in a major nod for the conservative party candidate in the NY-23 race. With the endorsement, the staunchly conservative Bachmann turns her back to the Republican Party candidate Dede "Call The Cops" Scozzafava. I hope Hoffman's successes will foreshadow what will happen to Marco Rubio as that primary gets closer....  and looking at the latest Quinnipiac poll, I have reason to be hopeful. Quinnipiac questioned 500 likely Republican voters in Florida, and Charlie Crist came out with a meager 15 point lead, meaning that his whopping initial advantage has virtually been cut in half.

UPDATE: And, Palin's is rumored to be endorsing Hoffman?!? It's like Christmas!