
Video: Fox News, MSNBC Focus Groups Break For Romney

The headline says it all.  Here are the two clips, back to back.  Pay special attention to the "flippers," who are drifting away from Obama -- whom they backed in 2008 -- and into his challenger's camp:

"This is as significant as what we had in Denver ten days ago. This group really swung."  

"I feel like he's going to have more of a plan. He's a businessman."

The consistent theme across the Romney converts was simple: The economy.  Despite Obama's narrow "win" in the CNN snap poll and the three-way tie in CBS News' instant numbers, Romney absolutely decimated Obama on the economy in both surveys -- 58/40 in the former poll, and 65/34 in the latter.  Arguably, Romney's weakest moment was the Libya "gotcha," where Obama and the moderator appeared to expose the Republican as misinformed and flailing.  But fact-checkers and the moderator herself have since backed up Romney's point, which will surely be revisited in next week's final debate.  The Romney campaign is likely quite pleased with how the evening played out: Voters who tuned in saw that Denver wasn't a fluke, recognized that Romney's for real, and confirmed that they trust him substantially more on the number one issue of this election.  The GOP nominee had several strong answers -- tying the gun control question into Fast & Furious, touting his long history of balancing budgets, revealing his commitment to empowering women by citing the composition of his cabinet, etc. -- but I'll leave you with his very best offering of the night:


Masterful and comprehensive.  I'd reiterate my call to turn this into an ad, but the RNC already has: