
LA Times Endorsement of Boxer: Yeah, She's Pretty Awful, But At Least She's a Leftist

While we're on the subject of endorsements, two Los Angeles dailies have issued dueling preferences in the Boxer/Fiorina Senate tilt.  First, unlike the San Francisco Chronicle, the LA Times decided to bite the bullet and endorse Senator M'am.  In doing so, however, the Times' editorial board repeatedly underscored the point that their choice boiled down to a simple calculation of issue positions--relegating personal attributes, accomplishments, and other factors to the back seat:

For us, the choice in the race between Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer and her Republican opponent, Carly Fiorina, resolves itself into a simple proposition: Issues matter, especially in the United States Senate.

Fiorina is intelligent, energetic and accomplished in the private sector. But on too many issues she reflects the doctrinaire conservatism that is ascendant in the Republican Party.

By contrast, Boxer has been a voice — if sometimes a strident one — for values promoted by this editorial page.

We hope her fourth term will be marked by less bluster and more bipartisan achievements. But on the issues, she is right far more often than she is wrong.


Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Daily News threw its editorial support behind Carly Fiorina:

...In order for California to have the influence, respect and resources it deserves from Washington, D.C., it needs senators with the ability and presence to fully represent the most dynamic state in the union.

Of the candidates running for one of California's two Senate seats in November, only Carly Fiorina meets that description.

Fiorina, the famous former Hewlett-Packard CEO, is running against incumbent Barbara Boxer, a longtime pol who, in her almost 28 years in the Senate and Congress, has yet to distinguish herself or the state she represents.

It's time for a change.