
Gay Rights Advocates Go After Chick-Fil-A

A local Chick-Fil-A operator recently donated food to a pro-marriage even put on by the Pennsylvania Family Institute. In response, Michael Jones, editor of an LGBT-advocate blog, started circulating an online petition claiming to tar the national Chick-Fil-A organization with accusations of bigotry.

Of course, both PFI and Chick-Fil-A denied an official partnership in light of these accusations. The Christian Post has the story:

PFI President Michael Geer clarified to The Christian Post that Chick-fil-A was not co-sponsoring the event, a two-day conference aimed at strengthening marriages.

"There are a couple restaurants that are giving us food," he clarified. He shared that no money was given to PFI or the two churches hosting the event.

He denounced any suggestion of corporate co-sponsorship as misleading and “a trumped up story."

Similarly, [Chick-Fil-A President Dan] Cathy said called such assertions “inaccurate.”

Despite Cathy’s clarifications, some continue to align Chick-fil-A with an “anti-gay” agenda.

Cathy released a video statement to clarify.

Dan Cathy Statement from Chick-fil-A on Vimeo.

Hat tip: Blue Collar Philosophy