
Hillary for NYC Mayor?

New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, better known as the biggest nanny in the country, has chosen the person he wants to take his place in 2013: Hillary Clinton.

 In a phone call confirmed by three people, Mr. Bloomberg encouraged Mrs. Clinton to consider entering the 2013 mayor’s race, trading international diplomacy for municipal management on the grandest scale. She would, he suggested, be a perfect fit.

Much about the call, which occurred some months ago, remains shrouded in mystery. But Mr. Bloomberg’s overture to the former first lady highlights the level of his anxiety about the current crop of candidates, his eagerness to recruit a replacement who can rival his stature and his determination to become a kingmaker in the political arena he will soon exit.

Clinton has said she's done with public life after she steps down as Secretary of State but many believe she will run for president in 2016. Despite being a former New York Senator, I highly doubt she's going to bite on this one and has already said she isn't interested. Bloomberg will have to find somebody else to uphold his big gulp ban and to promote more gun control.