
Paul, Huntsman Turn Down Invites to Trump's Iowa Debate; Gingrich In

Congressman Ron Paul officially turned down the invite to the Donald Trump-moderated Iowa debate to be held at the end of the month in a statement.

The selection of a reality television personality to host a presidential debate that voters nationwide will be watching is beneath the office of the Presidency and flies in the face of that office’s history and dignity. Mr. Trump’s participation as moderator will distract from questions and answers concerning important issues such as the national economy, crushing federal government debt, the role of the federal government, foreign policy, and the like. To be sure, Mr. Trump’s participation will contribute to an unwanted circus-like atmosphere.

Paul joins Jon Huntsman in rejecting The Donald. Unlike Huntsman, however, Paul's presence might surprisingly be significant, as Paul has been polled running second in Iowa recently, both in the InsiderAdvantage poll and the Des Moines Register's poll.

Newt Gingrich, the current frontrunner in Iowa, has accepted Trump's invite. That's disappointing to say the least - Trump's presence in the GOP primary has largely been a complete joke and a way for him to raise his profile ahead of a book tour and a new season of his reality TV show.