
Gay Conservative Group Launches Ad Ripping Boxer, Pelosi, and...Barney Frank

Oh yes:

Congressional Quarterly
reports on the buy:

Barney Frank is "an absolute embarrassment to the gay community," according to the leader of GOProud, a pro-gay conservative organization that today announced plans to expand an advertising campaign against the 15-term incumbent and first openly-gay member of Congress.

"Barney Frank is a great representative for the most liberal interests in this country, but an absolutely abysmal representative for gay people," said Christopher Barron, chairman of the board for GOProud, who began running a television advertisement in the Boston and Providence cable markets Monday that will run through Election Day.

The total buy is less than $50,000 and is already airing on the Bravo and Lifetime channels.

:  Apparently, this ad made its debut a few days ago.  Huffington Post has already declared it misogynistic and, er, homophobic.