
Michelle Obama to be on Huckabee's Fox TV Show

    First Lady Michelle Obama is set to appear on Mike Huckabee's Fox News television show. Recently, the White House has been taking stabs at Fox News. However, the two will not be discussing politics; instead they will be talking about Obama's initiatives to fight childhood obesity. 

    Obesity is an issue that Huckabee is passionate about, since he lost over 100 pounds; and agrees that it's an issue that affects children. 

    According to a US News & World Report article, Huckabee stated:
    "It is not a left/right, liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican issue. This is an issue that falls beyond what I call the 'horizontal' issues of left and right and rises to the 'vertical' level of up or down." 

    He went on to say that "The tragedy would be for conservatives to sit it out and not ensure that the approach is indeed vertical and focused on the cultural and generational changes that are needed."

    Although Huckabee pointed out that childhood obesity is an issue, it is not an issue, "that government can fix and shouldn't attempt to regulate people's behavior, but rather to follow the same framework that has marked other significant cultural shifts in health behavior."

    The show is set to air this weekend.