
Whoopi Tries to Paint Ann Romney as Out of Touch, Fails

During The View yesterday, co-host Whoopi Goldberg attempted to pin Ann Romney in an corner and as out of touch by saying, "your religion doesn't allow people to serve [in the military]." Romney immediately and gracefully responded by saying her assumption wasn't correct. Jump to 4:42 for the exchange.

Whoopi: As first lady, if you get the job, it’s going to entail a lot of things, and one of those things is going to be talking to the mothers whose children are coming home in bags, you know, from wars. Now, I know — I believe that your religion doesn’t allow you to go fight.

Ann: No, that’s not correct. We have many, many members of our faith that are serving in armed services.

Whoopi: Okay, um, I say that because when I read about your husband, what I had read, and maybe you can correct this is that the reason that he didn’t serve in Vietnam was because it was against the religion. That’s what I read.

Ann: No, that’s not correct. He was serving his mission and you know my five sons have also served missions. None served in the military.

I'd like to remind Whoopi that President Obama didn't serve in the military. He also never served as a missionary but of course, she didn't bother asking this same question to Barack himself or to his wife Michelle Obama. Whoopi tried to pull the Mormon card on Ann Romney and failed miserably.