
NPR Round Two: Hiding Muslim Brotherhood Donation From the Government

Audio produced by James O'Keefe and two citizen journalists has just been released showing NPR Senior Director of Institutional Giving Betsy Liley telling a perceived Muslim Brotherhood member how a $5 million donation from the radical group to NPR could be hidden from the government, shielding it from audit, during a follow up phone call to a lunch meeting. The lunch meeting undercover video showed NPR Executive Ron Schiller calling members of the tea party "racist racist people."

The audio shows that NPR did in fact intend on taking the donation, which the organization has denied since the first video came out earlier this week publicly and on Twitter. The official response from NPR spokeswoman Dana Davis Rehm about the first video was the following:
“The fraudulent organization represented in this video repeatedly pressed us to accept a $5 million check, with no strings attached, which we repeatedly refused to accept,” NPR spokeswoman Dana Davis Rehm said in NPR’s official response.

It is also apparent Vivian Schiller may have known about the entire thing.

Watch the first video here.