
Confirmed: GOP Captures Virginia Senate, Mississippi Too?

Tying up a significant loose end from my post-election recap:

Virginia state Sen. R. Edward Houck conceded defeat Thursday, dashing any Democratic hopes of hanging on to power in Richmond.  The Spotsylvania Democrat announced his decision on Facebook and at a news conference in Fredericksburg after Republican Bryce Reeves picked up four more votes Thursday in Louisa County.  Reeves’s victory over the 28-year Senate veteran delivers the last bastion of Democratic power in Richmond into the hands of the GOP, which already controlled the House, the governor’s mansion and the attorney general’s office.  Republicans have not held such sway in Richmond since the Civil War.

Following Houck's concession, the Virginia Senate will soon be (effectively) in Republican hands: Each party will control 20 seats, and Republican Lt. Governor Bill Bolling will cast the deciding votes in the case of a tie.  Democrats and their abortion pals are already worried that Virginians' precious "right" to kill unborn children may face increased limitations:

Houck suggested the results will be dire.  “We were the backstop to a lot of social conservative legislation that we felt like, and I feel like, was not quite good for Virginia,” he told reporters in a conference call. “It will be interesting to see if that type of legislation is now embraced by a Republican-controlled Senate. I would suspect it will be.” That prediction — echoed in a Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia news release warning of “alarming repercussions” — came after Houck conceded in a phone call to Reeves.

If the "dire" results look anything like Gov. McDonnell's record of accomplishment to date, Virginians will be quite pleased with these predicted "alarming repercussions."  I'll leave you with another development from Tuesday's elections -- which the Left insists was a crushing blow to conservatives: The Mississippi legislature appears to have fallen into Republican hands for the first time in about 130 years:

"While some races have yet to be called and our majority could still grow by a few seats, the outstanding ballots cannot change the fact that Republicans will hold a majority of seats in the House and will have expanded its majority in the Senate," said  Republican Party Chairman, Arnie Hederman in a statement.  A total Republican majority of the legislature hasn't happened since the 1870's and could put the party in control of divisive state issues like the budget and redistricting. Cole says with the elections done, it's time to put aside partisanship.

I'll give you one guess which party "Cole" represents.