
Michele Bachmann Seeking Sheriff Arpaio Endorsement

First it was Texas Governor Rick Perry, who has a less than stellar record when it comes to illegal immigration, Mitt Romney and now Rep. Michele Bachmann is trying to lock down an endorsement from Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio as the race for the White House continues. 

If you're running for president, how do you convince supporters you are tough enough on immigration? Get the endorsement of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the self-proclaimed toughest sheriff in America whose uncompromising stand on illegal immigration is a point of pride.

On Wednesday Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann was the latest Republican presidential candidate hoping for Arpaio's backing. She met in Phoenix with the Republican sheriff, whose endorsement is frequently sought by candidates in all types of races across the country.

Arpaio said he hasn't yet decided which candidate he will back in the GOP primary race.

Bachmann, who was in Arizona for campaign fundraisers, focused almost entirely on immigration during the three minutes she talked to reporters. She then went into a private meeting with Arpaio.

"As president of the United States, I want to solve the border issue," Bachmann said, noting that the nation's immigration problems extend beyond the southern border states. "I want to build the fence that needs to be built and I want to solve this problem."