
ObamaCare Mandate Unpopular...Among Democrats

Last week, President Obama implied that it was only conservatives who oppose his healthcare legislation when he took a shot at the Supreme Court, saying the overturn of ObamaCare would equate to activism from the bench.

But now, a new poll shows nearly half of Democrats think the individual mandate in ObamaCare should be thrown out.

A poll just conducted for IBD by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence found that only 22% said they wanted the justices to uphold the entire law, while 37% said strike down the whole thing and 30% said to strike down only the law’s individual mandate to buy health insurance. Another 10% were unsure.

Strikingly, the same poll found that while 39% of Democrats wanted the law upheld, 38% wanted the mandate struck down and another 12% wanted the whole thing thrown out. In other words, 50% want part or all of the law tossed. Even taking into account that some of those may be liberals who dislike ObamaCare because it isn’t more expansive, it’s a striking rejection of the president’s main accomplishment by his own party.

Among independents, the numbers are even worse for the president: 40% want the whole law repealed, 33% want the mandate overturned and only 18% want the whole thing upheld. Unsurprisingly, Republicans hate it even more: 66% want the whole thing thrown out, 19% want just the mandate gone and only 10% want it all upheld.