
Get Excited: Obama to Deliver State of the Union Tuesday Evening

Last week, White House press secretary Jay Carney insisted that President Obama is spending a 'still relatively small' amount of his time in 'campaign mode.' Heh. Good one, Carney. All politicians are always in campaign mode to some extent, and President Obama much more than most -- hardly a week goes by in which he doesn't attend a grandiose fundraiser for high-rollers or give a holier-than-thou speech designed to pitt himself against a hateful, obstructionist Congress. What was once upon a time (you know, back when we still cared about the Constitution) meant to be a communication from the president to Congress is now an opportunity for President Obama to campaign against Congress. Sigh. Steel yourselves, conservatives; it's going to be a long night -- here's a tiny preview of what we're bound to see tomorrow night from the President's weekly address, emphasis mine:

"We can't wait to make it happen. Too often over the last few months, we've seen Congress drag its feet and refuse to take steps we know will help strengthen our economy. That's why this is the latest in a series of actions I've taken on my own to help our economy keep growing, creating jobs, and restoring security for middle-class families. In September we decided to stop waiting for Congress..."