
Paul Ryan's Approval Skyrockets as Voters Get to Know Him

Prior to Mitt Romney's vp announcement last Saturday, Congressman Paul Ryan was relatively unknown with a high approval rating.

Earlier polling found that 39% of all voters had a favorable opinion of Ryan, while 25% offered a negative review.  Thirty-five percent (35%) express no opinion of Ryan.

Now that voters are getting to know Ryan through the media and on the campaign trail, his approval rating has jumped to 50 percent.

Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan’s favorables are up after the first blush of national media exposure following Mitt Romney’s selection of him as his vice presidential running mate. But as is generally the case with running mates, Ryan gives only a slight boost to Romney.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters now have a favorable opinion of Ryan, while 32% view him unfavorably. This includes 29% with a Very Favorable view of Romney’s vice presidential pick and 13% with a Very Unfavorable one.  Only 13% are now unfamiliar with Ryan, and five percent (5%) are not sure about him.

Brace for Team Obama's attacks on Ryan to get dirtier and more brazen as a result.