
Gross: Hair and Body Lice Outbreak at Occupy Portland

Revolting, sure.  Surprising?  Not really.  Sign me up:

Say it with me, now: Just like the Tea Party!  I'll leave you with the latest numbers from Rasmussen:

Voters tend to view the Occupy Wall Street protesters negatively and regard their views as liberal and out of step with mainstream America. They’re almost evenly divided over whether the protesters genuinely want to change the system or just want a bailout of their own. Thirty-three percent (33%) of Likely U.S. Voters hold a favorable view of the protesters, while 43% regard them unfavorably, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Seriously, how more scenes like this need to play out before 'Occupy' becomes about as popular as the, er, "Republican" Congress?

UPDATE - Charming:

Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.  And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks. “Both carts have had items stolen, have had their covers vandalized with markings and graffiti, as well as one of the carts had urine and blood splattered on it,” said Councilman Carl DeMaio.