
Inconvenient Censorship: Stanford Prohibits Skeptic Documentary From Showing Interview With Global Warming Professor

According to the Climate Depot website, Stanford University has "banned a skeptical documentary film from airing a climate change interview with one of its prominent warming activist professors, Stephen Schneider.  After legal threats from Stanford University -- apparently on behalf of Prof. Schneider -- the documentary filmmakers were forced to use a blank screen and an actor had to read the transcript of Schneider's already taped but legally banned climate interview."

The documentary, entitled "Not Evil Just Wrong," is due to premiere on October 18 and had featured an interview with Prof. Schneider about his "flip-flop"--a former global cooling proponent of the 1970s to an avid global warming alarmist of today.

Climate Depot has obtained a copy of Stanford's legal letter that reads:

You are prohibited from using any of the Stanford footage you shot, including your interview of Professor Stephen Schneider.  Professor Schneider likewise has request that I inform you that he has withdrawn any permission for you to use his name, likeness or interview in connection with any film project you may undertake.

Fortunately for us, Climate Depot has also secured exclusive pre-release footage of Professor Schneider's interview from the forthcoming documentary:

"The lawyers at Stanford sent the unprecedented letter after we asked Schneider about his flip-flopping on climate alarmism."  The film's director also said he is shocked at the legal maneuvering by Stanford in censoring an interview with one of the University's most prominent professors.

For more information on the Stanford censorship and the ice age scare of the 1970s, visit Climate Depot online.

To learn more about "Not Evil Just Wrong," visit the film's website.