
Disturbing: Taking Indoctrination to a Whole New Level

Mike Shaw is a journalist located in Tucson, Ariz. The following report on Mexican-American studies, formerly known as "La Raza" or "Race" studies gives viewers a compelling account of what is really going on in Southern Arizona schools.

Tucson's Mexican-American Studies Problem:

Specifically, Tucson Unified School District's Mexican-American Studies Problem as assisted by the University of Arizona's Mexican-American Studies Program.

America saw the results of teaching a racist curriculum to an impressionable group of kids and many may be wondering, "what is going on down there?"  I spend nearly 8 minutes trying to answer that question, and honestly, it's not nearly enough time.  Many thanx to the fine folks with Tucsonans United for Sound Districts ( for all of the information.  Loretta Hunnicutt, her husband John and long-time educator Richard Kronberg have decided to stand for what is right even though they are paying a high personal price.

As for the University of Arizona Professor that is apparently very much involved in the alleged indoctrination of students.  There is a much larger story there.  From what I know at this time, it sounds like Professor Roberto Rodriguez, professor of Mexican-American Studies at the University of Arizona, is hoping to export Tucson's version of Mexican-American Studies to the rest of the country.