
Let the Pork Continue

Last night, Senator DeMint introduced an amendment for an earmark moratorium that would have put a hold on earmarks for FY 2009.  Not surprisingly, the amendment failed by a vote of 29-71. 

The Senators voting “Yes” can be found below:

1.     Alexander
2.     Allard
3.     Barrasso
4.     Bayh
5.     Burr
6.     Chambliss
7.     Clinton
8.     Coburn
9.     Corker
10.   Cornyn
11.   DeMint
12.   Dole
13.   Ensign
14.   Enzi
15.   Feingold
16.   Graham
17.   Grassley
18.   Inhofe
19.   Isakson
20.   Kyl
21.   Lieberman
22.   Martinez
23.   McCain
24.   McCaskill
25.   McConnell
26.   Obama
27.   Sessions
28.   Sununu
29.   Thune

This was yet another opportunity to reign in reckless spending in Washington.  However, Leaders in both the House and Senate have shirked their responsibilities to the people in allowing this practice to continue unabated.