
The Redskins Rule

UPDATE: The Carolina Panthers beat the Washington Redskins 21-13. If the Redskins Rules holds, then Romney will win on Tuesday.

Just a lighthearted Sunday note if you're taking your brain off politics and watching some football: Keep an eye on the Redskins-Panthers game, as the "Redskins Rule" is that the Redskins' game success tracks closely with incumbent party success.

So if the Redskins win, historically, the incumbent party will go on to future success. In fact, in 18 presidential contests since the Redskins began play in Washington, only once has this rule not held - in 2004, when President Bush defeated John Kerry despite a Redskins loss.

So keep a watchful eye on the Redskins game. Right now they're losing to Carolina - not a good sign for the President.