
Paul Ryan on Debating Joe Biden: I've Been Studying Him

Can you imagine Paul Ryan, the guy who can crunch numbers and craft arguments in his sleep, saying he's studying you? That's exactly what Ryan told CNN's Wolf Blitzer tonight when asked about how he is preparing for his debate against Vice President Joe Biden.

BLITZER:  How are you preparing for your debate with Joe Biden?

RYAN:  By preparing.

BLITZER:  What are you doing?

RYAN:  Well, I'm - I'm studying.  I'm reading Joe Biden's speeches, reading Joe - watching Joe Biden tape and just studying on all of the various issues.

BLITZER:  He's pretty good.

RYAN:  He's good, but I've been in Congress 14 years and this is what we do, especially in the House.  The Senate, they don't debate as often and as frequently.  That's all we do in the House, is we debate.  I love debating.  That's one of the things I like about this job.