
"Gang of 12" House Conservatives Taking on Party Leadership

Bill Hennessey over at BigGovernment reports that a small band of conservative House Republicans met Tuesday to form a steering committee and to get the ball rolling in bringing the GOP back to its conservative roots.

Rep. Michele Bachmann, one of the group's most outspoken members, is calling on Americans this week to rally Thursday at the Capitol in protest of Obamacare.  On Fox's "Hannity," Bachmann reported that radio talk host and best-selling conservative author Mark Levin will be joining her in the rally.  However, noticeably absent from Bachmann's rally cry is the support/acknowledgement of GOP leadership:
Before the Hill brass swooped in to “help” organizers by providing speaker lists and talking points, a band of conservatives formed a steering committee to keep the message and the tactics authentically conservative. These rebels don’t want talking points; they want a battle cry.

Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO) hosted the meeting of a dozen Hill conservatives who’ve had enough. The meeting was to help Michele Bachmann, and other originators of the House Call protest, retain control of the event and the message.

Until now, Mr. Akin and a few others in this Gang of 12 preferred keeping a low profile.  Emboldened by the grass roots effect in New York’s 23rd Congressional District race, Akin is determined to go on offensive for conservative principles rather than just fending off Democrat advances. Last week, for example, Akin recruited eight House Republicans to endorse Conservative Party candidate, Doug Hoffman, in the NY-23 race, even while the National Republican Congressional Committee was pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars to boost Scozzafava.

Tuesday’s meeting included Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Ms. Bachmann, Doctors Paul Broun and Phil Gingrey (Rs-GA), Dr. Michael Burgess (R-TX), and others who are willing to take on their own party’s heirarchy. According to Mr. Akin, “This steering committee is full of risk takers who’ve been pushed out of their comfort zone” and are willing to fight for principle. Akin cited an emerging “sense of camaraderie among conservatives” in the House.

Hooray for active conservatives taking a stand!