
Perry Says Foreign Aid in His Administration Would Start at Zero

In his strongest debate to date, Governor Rick Perry made the compelling argument Saturday night that at this crucial moment in our history – when thousands of Americans are out of work and the national debt is more than $14 trillion – the United States must fundamentally reexamine the way our government provides financial assistance to foreign nations. Perry explained that if he were President, for example, every country would be required to lobby for American taxpayer dollars starting at “zero.” Interestingly, Governor Perry received a sustained applause for his response, suggesting that Republican voters disagree with the Obama administration's current policy and are tired of funding regimes – such as Pakistan – that threaten U.S. national security interests at home and abroad.

Furthermore, when asked in a follow up question if his policy would apply specifically to Israel, Perry replied unequivocally that it would.

“Obviously Israel is a special ally and my bet is we would be funding them at some substantial level,” he said. “But it makes sense for everyone to come in at zero and make your case.”

Via The Blaze: