
Interviews with Saul Anuzis, Michael Steele

I had the chance to sit down with two men running to become Republican National Committee Chairman last week. I wanted to talk to them about why they wanted the job and how they could rebuild the party.
Here is the link to my interview with Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis.

Here is the link to my interview with GOPAC Chairman Michael Steel.
(I've also been emailing with staff for South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Katon Dawson to chat. He's also running for the slot.)

if you want to learn more about the candidates you can visit their websites:
Anuzis for Chair, the Comeback Starts Now! at

Michael Steel for RNC Chairman, the Republican Party IS the Future at
After my interview with Steele wrapped his campaign site has unleashed a neat tool to solicit grassroots ideas for the party. Basically you can text Steele's campaign a message at 66937. Click here for more details from his site about it.