
Van Jones: Martin Luther King Original Occupier

Communist and former Obama Green Jobs Czar Van Jones has hit a new low, calling civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. the "original occupier" in an email to supporters of his "rebuild the dream" movement.

What are you doing this weekend for MLK Day? It's our only national holiday about social justice, yet too often, MLK Day feels like a Hallmark Card. This year, let's do it differently.

Rebuild the Dream members are hosting MLK Day Movement Meet-ups across the country to celebrate Dr. King -- the original Occupier -- and link the Civil Rights Movement with today's struggle for an economy that works for all.

Neighbors and friends will gather to watch a great video we made, plus engage in a special discussion about how we strengthen our movements in 2012.

Find an MLK Meet-up near you, or host one of your own.

2012 will be a turbulent, exciting year. It's important for us to get together and get ready. This is your chance to touch base with friends and like-minded folks in your area, and start the new year right.

There is a lot for us to fight for, and people are continuing Dr. King's struggle every day in the 21st century. With a rising movement sweeping the country, let's gather together and ask: What would Dr. King and other civil rights leaders do today? How can we continue their legacy in 2012 and beyond?

MLK Day is an opportunity to take a day on, not a day off. The meet-ups will be an opportunity to join with those who share your same passion for positive change. It's a chance to look back and look ahead -- let's look at one of the most important movements of our past as a springboard for the ongoing fight for justice.


Sorry Van Jones, I doubt King would approve of protestors defecating on police cars, shutting down businesses, costing taxpayers millions of dollars or vandalizing banks.