
MORE Certain Than Death

You know the old saying -- the only two things that are inevitable are, of course, death and taxes.  But when it comes to the Obama administration, taxation seems even more inevitable than death.

Note the President's admission that imposition of the VAT tax isn't "off the table" -- despite the Senate's recent 85-13 "sense of the Senate" vote in opposition.

Sure, the Democrat senators say now that they'd oppose the VAT.  But remember when some of them were busily signalling their objections to aspects of the ObamaCare debacle?  In the end, of course, when they were needed, they were there.  Democrat leaders made them deals they couldn't refuse . . . with your money.

That's why every Republican candidate needs to explain to voters that -- whatever Democrats say now -- a vote for them is ultimately a vote to strengthen President Obama's hand in imposing a VAT.