
Young Mother Kills Home Intruder With a Shotgun to Save Her Son

On New Years Eve, Sarah McKinley killed a home invader with a 12-gauge shotgun, saving her life and the life of her infant son. She fired the shot as the stalker broke into her house and ran at her with a 12 inch hunting knife. She had been on the phone with the 911 dipatcher for 21 minutes, waiting for the police to arrive. The story is definitely worth a read in full:

McKinley told ABC News Oklahoma City affiliate KOCO that she quickly got her 12 gauge, went into her bedroom and got a pistol, put the bottle in the baby's mouth and called 911.

"I've got two guns in my hand -- is it okay to shoot him if he comes in this door?" the young mother asked the 911 dispatcher. "I'm here by myself with my infant baby, can I please get a dispatcher out here immediately?"

The 911 dispatcher confirmed with McKinley that the doors to her home were locked as she asked again if it was okay to shoot the intruder if he were to come through her door.

"I can't tell you that you can do that but you do what you have to do to protect your baby," the dispatcher told her. McKinley was on the phone with 911 for a total of 21 minutes.

When Martin kicked in the door and came after her with the knife, the teen mom shot and killed the 24-year-old. Police are calling the shooting justified.

Here at Townhall, we've documented time and again how guns are an equalizer when it comes to women (or anyone, really) defending themselves. It's hard to imagine a scarier scenario than being left alone with a small infant, only to have a stalker and an accomplice break into your home and run at you with a knife. What could have been a tragic story instead became a positive account of a woman saving her life and the life of her child.