
GOP Reps Introduce Bill to Make Sure Troops Get Paychecks if Government Shuts Down

As the government shutdown goes on, representatives on Capitol Hill are trying to ensure that the men and women putting themselves in harm's way still get compensated, even if Washington shuts down.

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas and Rep. Jack Kingston of Georgia (Republicans) has introduced a bill that cover all pay, along with several co-sponsors. Gohmert said the bill has "widespread support," and there are people in the Senate interested in it as well.

"The whole goal is to make sure that if because the game's being played up here, there were to be a shutdown -- we still hope there's not -- but the people that definitely need to be assured they will get paid -- all pay, all allowances, on time -- should be those out defending us," Gohmert said.

The video below is fascinating -- Rep. John Carter, who represents Ft. Hood, said when the Appropriations Committee met with representative from each of the armed services, the biggest concern they expressed was that paychecks would stop if the government shut down. Gohmert said the concern from the military was the impetus behind crafting the bill.

Watch the congressmen discuss the bill below.