
Romney Battles for Iowa Women

Mitt Romney continues to fight hard for women in Iowa today. The “We Know Mitt” bus tour, which consists of a group of former female cabinet members who served under Romney during his time as Governor of Massachusetts, seeks to correct the misperception many have about Romney’s views on women. This comes the day after President Obama held a rally at Cornell College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where he mocked the much belabored “binders full of women” comment.

As Katie discussed earlier today, Romney “had more women in high power positions during his time as governor than any other governor in the country.” His record on women is crystal clear when looking at the facts, but women still favor Obama. This is changing, and the “We Know Mitt” tour might help aid this change. These leading women will hold roundtable discussions in the critical battleground state on the importance Romney places on getting women in leadership positions and the roles they played during his administration.

Although the idea of a group of women parading around Iowa saying, ‘Mitt Romney is not sexist’ seems a little ridiculous, this is, sadly, a needed move. No matter what the candidate says anymore, it will inevitably be labeled derogatory towards women. Iowans will be given the opportunity to hear first-hand from those who know him best why Mitt Romney has a better record for women. It will likely fall on deaf ears for some on the left, but could have a large impact locally where the gap between Romney and Obama has narrowed steadily.