
Fort Hood Shooter's Business Cards Advertised Extremism

ABC News is reporting that Maj. Nidal Hasan proclaimed himself as a "Soldier of Allah" on private business cards he purchased over the internet.  Apparently a box of these business cards was found in his Ft. Hood apartment.

The cards don't mention anything about Hasan's military background, but note that he is a psychiatrist.  The letters "SoA (SWT)" appear on the cards beneath Hasan's name.  Investigators and experts are now saying it's clear Hasan was making no secret of his allegiances: "SoA" is an acronym used on jihadist Web sites meaning "Soldier of Allah," and "(SWT)" is reportedly a common acronym used by Muslims to reference "Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala" which means "Glory to God."

Can we finally call this act terrorism?