
More Undisclosed Meetings 'Not Meant to Be Mysterious'

We're getting more news about whose visits were kept off the White House daily agenda. Politico reports that meetings with General Petraeus, Wall Street executives and campaign donors were kept off the visitors schedule.

Chip Reid of CBS News asked White House press secretary Jay Carney on Friday why some things and not others appear on the president's public schedule. Why not just put it all out there?

"The president has a number of meetings, including national security meetings, that we do not put on the schedule," Carney said. "But we have been very transparent about the president's schedule."

Things that routinely appear on Obama's daily schedule include travel itineraries, his regular lunch with Vice President Joe Biden, security and economic briefings, meetings with visiting world leaders, and speeches and remarks.

You may remember Candidate Obama's criticisms of the Bush Administration:

The American people are tired of a Washington that's only open to those with the most cash and the right connections. They're tired of a political process where the vote you cast isn't as important as the favors you can do. And they're tired of trusting us with their tax dollars when they see them spent on frivolous pet projects and corporate giveaways.


Because when big oil companies are invited into the White House for secret energy meetings, it's no wonder they end up with billions in tax breaks while Americans still struggle to fill up their gas tanks and heat their homes.

IThis may have been good campaigning in 2006, but once he reached the helm of power, it became nothing but words.

When asked about these mystery meetings, Jay Carney responded by saying that these meetings were 'not meant to be mysterious'.