
Why I Miss the House

This is one of the few times since I’ve resigned from Congress that I actually truly miss it. As you all have heard, House Republicans decided to forego the August District Work Period to stay in D.C. and work on an energy bill that will actually lower gas prices and protect our economy. While the Democrat leadership turned off the lights and went home, House Republicans flew back to D.C. to continue work on the energy crisis. There are no C-SPAN cameras rolling, but Members of Congress are still talking. This is truly historic and exciting and all activists should feel very encouraged by this display of unity among Republicans.

Action Points: [# More #]

1.) Tell your member of Congress to sign the discharge petition that will bring H.R. 6566 – The American Energy Act, up for a vote despite Nancy Pelosi’s objections and as soon as Democrats turn the lights back on.

2.) Stay tuned in to what’s happening on the floor through the Republican Cloakroom, and visit the Capitol to show the Republicans who are still there your support. That is, if you have the time and can afford the fuel to get there. From what I hear, the visitors have been able to join Members on the House floor, and are asking questions and engaging in the debate.

3.) Keep the media coverage coming – write a letter to your local paper, call your local talk radio, and show your support for The American Energy Act. With Democrat obstruction, this is truly the only legislative solution to our energy problems.