
Debt Ceiling Meeting Between House GOP & Obama Looks Fruitless

Obama, as usual, thought that a nice, calm, sit-down meeting with his opposition could solve everything. I suspect that Obama thinks his magic voice and oratory skills are enough to convince Republicans to cave on everything he wants.

Obama's meeting with the huge assembly of House Republicans yielded no concrete progress, although both sides said it was productive simply in that both sides of a deeply divided government were able to have a candid discussion.

Part of that candid discussion apparently involved the GOP to nicely ask Obama to just stop lying about the Ryan plan to reform Medicare. We'll see if their requests get heeded.

There are reportedly behind-the-scenes negotiations that have shown a little bit more promise than this little publicity stunt. Apparently Joe Biden, who's leading the talks, has a bit more of a flair for negotiation than The One.

In the interest of the stability of financial markets, Speaker John Boehner is pushing for a resolution to the debt ceiling stand-off within the month, despite having an August dead-stop deadline for when the US will have to either default on its debt obligations or cut other spending in order to pay for the debt.

Regardless, it's clear that this most recent, highly-publicized meeting is unlikely to turn out to lead anywhere. Big surprise!