
Michael Moore Thinks GOP Should Nominate Jon Huntsman

Apparently, as Michael Moore's love for Obama runs low, he has a thing for Jon Huntsman:

Moore hasn’t even decided whether he’ll vote for Obama again in 2012; he likes Jon Huntsman on the Republican side, saying “it’s crazy time over there” and Huntsman is the only “sane candidate.” “If the Republicans were smart, they would nominate [him].”

Luckily for Moore, Huntsman will be participating in the GOP debate tonight at the Reagan Library, despite feeling a bit under the weather.

“Governor Huntsman woke up with a sinus infection this morning — he is going to rest up today and will be participating in the debate this evening,” Huntsman spokesman Tim Miller said.

Huntsman was also scheduled to appear on Fox News and MSNBC earlier Wednesday. MSNBC said Huntsman was still scheduled to appear on “Andrea Mitchell Reports” despite feeling under the weather. He skipped his interview with Fox.