
10 House Republicans Voted for Auto Bailout

The House of Representatives passed a  $14 billion bailout for failing automakers this evening, 225-179.

10 Republicans, mostly Michiganders, voted in favor of the bill, including House Ways & Means Ranking Member Rep. Dave Camp (Mich.). Nine Democrats voted against the bill.

Here's the list of Republicans who voted FOR the bailout:

Dave Camp (Mich.)
Vernon Ehlers (Mich.)
Joe Knollenberg (Mich.)
Ray LaHood (Ill.)
Steven LaTourette (Ohio)
Thaddeus McCotter (Mich.)
Candice Miller (Mich.)
Jim Ramstad (Minn.)
Mark Souder (Ind.)
Fred Upton (Mich.)

If you'd like to look up the rest of the votes, the RCV is HERE.