
Sotomayor's Questionnaire Released. Plus: TIME's Mom-Next-Door Photophopping

It has been said that Obama nominated Sotomayor because she was made in his own image -- save Latina and female -- include "wise". This questionnaire affirms said notion. Our effective Obfuscator In Chief (see today's Cairo University speech) has a sister-in-obfuscation. This questionnaire (see Here and Here) should be labeled "The Second Chance Statement of Sonia Sotomayor," because in it, she uses one of those huge paint roller brushes to whitewash all the criticism said tofore. Furthermore, I saw no commentary regarding her most recent and well-known case: Ricci v. Destefano (Sotomayor's Connecticut firefighter decision).

Here's what CNN gathered:

"Sotomayor currently has assets worth a total of almost $1.16 million, including a home valued at almost $1 million, according to her responses, which were posted online by the Judiciary Committee.

Her financial liabilities total almost $420,000, including a mortgage totaling slightly less than $382,000, she wrote."

Kinda tarnishes the Latina mom-next-door image the liberal press is trying to create; personified here, in the beautifully photoshopped cover of The Judge on TIME.