
Pretty in Mink Conservative Ladies Calendar!

I was thrilled with the ladies over at Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute asked me to be a part of their annual calendar featuring conservative women again this year. I was even more excited when I found out the concept for it was going to be "Pretty in Mink" and we were all going to be modeling beautiful fur coats!


Lots of awesome, conservative women participated, including Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Star Parker, KellyAnn Conway and Kate Obenshain. I am "Miss July" 2009, see above. I don't have any of the other ladies' photos, but if you want to check out the other pics ABC News has them up HERE.

If you want to order one of your very own calendars for yourself or as a Christmas present you can get them HERE for $25. College students get them free!

Update: Apparently my photo made some liberal want to throw up. Or just spew something sort of green looking. I can't really tell. The lefties over at 23/6 staged their own photo session to mock us.