
DCCC's Van Hollen to Dems: Sure, Go Ahead and Rip Obama and Pelosi

Three weeks out, and it has come to this for Democrats:

Rep. Chris Van Hollen –- the Democrat tasked with maintaining control of the House -– says it is a sign of his party’s strength that several Democrats are touting their opposition to President Obama ahead of the midterm elections.

“Issues where they stood with the speaker and the president, and the issues where they opposed the speaker and the president. That's their job,” Van Hollen, of Maryland, continued.

The comments came in response to a string of Democrats -– many from conservative-leaning districts –- who have repeatedly promoted their votes against some of Obama’s signature pieces of legislation, including health care and the stimulus bill.

Memo to red state Democrats: For maximum benefit, don't forget to mention how often you voted with President Bush.  Hey, why not?

By 47 to 45 percent, Americans say Obama is a better president than George W. Bush. But that two point margin is down from a 23 point advantage one year ago.

“Democrats may want to think twice about bringing up former President George W. Bush’s name while campaigning this year,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.