
Stupak: Fight for Life Has Been a "Living Hell"

Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak is facing mounting pressure in his fight against federal funding for abortions in Obamacare.  The Democrat tells The Hill that his principled fight against the president's health care package has been like a "living hell" for him and his family:
The telephone lines in his Washington and district offices have been “jammed” and he’s gotten more than 1,500 faxes and countless e-mails — most of which he says don’t come from his constituents.

The fight has taken a toll on his wife, who has disconnected the phone in their home to avoid harassment.

“All the phones are unplugged at our house — tired of the obscene calls and threats. She won’t watch TV,” Stupak said during an hourlong interview with The Hill in his Rayburn office. “People saying they’re going to spit on you and all this. That’s just not fun.”
On the off chance Rep. Stupak reads, I'd just like to tell him to hang in there.  We don't agree on hardly anything, but I respect his respect for human life and wish more of the so-called "pro-lifers" on Capitol Hill were as wedded to their basic principles regarding the sanctity of life.