
DeSantis Did Not Have a Terrible Campaign

Kurt Schlichter is back for another episode of his "Unredacted" podcast! His unfiltered, uncensored, exclusive podcast is for our valued Townhall VIP membersIf you're not yet a VIP member, join today to get exclusive access to Kurt's weekly VIP column, the Stream of Kurtiousness video series, and, of course, this VIP podcast! All uncensored!  Governor Ron DeSantis did not have a terrible campaign. He had one strategy because he occupied the same lane as former President Donald Trump, which is a kind of new Republican, populist vibe, and had to run as more electable and, secondary, more competent. That's all DeSantis could do, and he did just that, but no one cared. What is the one neat trick that he could have pulled that would have changed anything? And don't tell me he never should have run. DeSantis needed to run – this was his time. Four years from now may also be his time, but he definitely needed to run now. If you think this was the worst campaign ever, you started following politics when "funny TV man" became "politician guy." Now, look, I liked DeSantis, and I'm sad that he lost, but my identity is not wrapped up in his success or failure in the 2024 primaries. If yours is wrapped up in Donald Trump's, or Ron DeSantis's, or, God forbid, Nikki Haley's, I'm not sure what I can do to help you. Regardless, it's now time for us DeSantis supporters to get behind and rally around Donald Trump.

Editor's Note: This episode of "Unredacted" was recorded before Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced the suspension of his 2024 presidential campaign.