
Kirby Tries to Save Face After Defense Secretary Blows Off Biden

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby attempted to run clean up and regain credibility for the Biden administration Tuesday after the Defense Secretary went missing for at least four days. President Biden was not informed Austin had surgery for prostate cancer in December, resulting in an infection that landed him in the intensive care unit last week. Tuesday morning Biden was informed Austin has cancer and the Pentagon continues to call the surgery "elective." 

The debacle and lack of transparency has raised serious questions about what else the Biden administration may be hiding or lying about, badly damaging credibility. 

Biden is still standing by Austin, despite his failure to disclose his absence. The Pentagon and the White House have called for 30-day reviews of the situation. 

President Biden hasn't held a Cabinet meeting since October. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre says there are no plans to hold one anytime soon.