
During High Stakes Oval Office Speech, Biden Again Shows Dangerous Weakness

Speaking from the Oval Office Thursday night, President Joe Biden attempted to make the case that additional taxpayer funding for Ukraine, which includes payments for domestic social welfare services, is in the interest of the United States. He also made the case for new military funding for Israel, a U.S. ally since 1948, which continues to take fire from Iranian backed terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah and others. 

During Biden's remarks, there was little mention of how Biden plans to deter Iran from further incitement in the Middle East. He gave drive by remarks on what is being done to bring American hostages, being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, home. 

"There is nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together," Biden said. "Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but this is what they have in common, they both want to annihilate neighboring democracies." 

In one moment of clarity Biden pushed back, again, on false claims a hospital in Gaza was bombed by Israel on Wednesday. 

Ahead of Biden's much anticipated remarks, a number of drone strikes were launched against U.S. military installations and troops in the Middle East. In fact, U.S. forces were attacked in Iraq while Biden was speaking.