
John Kerry's Inflation Remarks Explains Why He Never Became President

What’s good, Mr. Ketchup? I almost forgot that John Kerry was part of this disastrous Biden administration. He’s the climate czar, ensuring we stop global warming and all its ills. Given that he’s evaporated into the ether, he’s doing a lousy job. Okay, maybe that’s unfair. He’s working for a White House that’s engulfed in several crises. And Kerry’s pet issue is not a top concern among voters. 

Since 2004, Kerry’s big moments have been marked by either losing elections or allowing terrorists to inch closer to obtaining nuclear weapons. The Iran nuclear deal is an American foreign policy joke. He’s done nothing on climate. He oversaw the State Department when we gave the Iranian $150 billion, which we all knew would fund their terrorist exploits. Kerry said they weren’t supposed to do that. Kerry, like Biden, just oozes weakness. Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Also, he’s a graduate of the ‘Joe Biden School of Economics.’

If we just spend more, inflation would go down. And that money must go towards combating global warming. The pattern is hilarious. If we just burn cash on extraneous and virtue-signaling initiatives of the far left, peace and prosperity will ensue. If we don’t, we’re racist, the economy will crash, and the GOP are Nazis. Or better yet, our government itself is at risk of collapse. Do what I want or else, in other words. It’s being met with eye rolls because even the most apolitical person knows this is a lie. It’s a lie that if we spend more, inflation will go down. 

These remarks are one of many reminders of why John Kerry never became president. People could see he wasn’t up for the job in 2004. Kerry wasn’t right for State. And he’s just traversing the globe in his private jet, talking about the dangers of fossil fuels.