
Axios Might Be the Winner for Biggest Media Meltdown Over Elon Musk's Attempt to Buy Twitter

Users on social media have been buzzing over the news billionaire Elon Musk attempting to buy Twitter after he decided to not join the company's board of directors. While many are intrigued over the prospect with a major shakeup in Twitter's leadership, it appears some media companies are not taking the idea too well.

Axios published a story about the latest development but decided to frame it this way: "The world's richest man — someone who used to be compared to Marvel's Iron Man — is increasingly behaving like a movie supervillain, commanding seemingly unlimited resources with which to finance his mischief-making."

The story further goes on to say Musk has gone full "goblin" mode, a term used by Musk to describe his behavior when he goes after something because "I no longer care about what anyone thinks about how I look or what I say."

Axios is far from the only entity or person who is upset at Musk's efforts, with some fearing if he is successful, then former President Donald Trump could be allowed back on the platform.