
'Morning Joe' Smears Canadian Truck Drivers Protesting COVID Mandates As a 'Cult'

MSNBC hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough said the Canadian truck drivers who are protesting COVID-19-related mandates in Canada's capital and ports of entry in other parts of the country are part of a "cult" who is an "enemy to themselves."

Canadian truckers have driven their rigs into Ottawa and have shut down traffic in certain parts of the city to demand more freedom and fewer mandates from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government. Trudeau fled the city to an undisclosed location ahead of the truckers' arrival.

"The demonstrations were initially aimed at pushback against vaccine mandates for truck drivers crossing the U.S./Canada border, but the movement escalated into an expression of disapproval with the Canadian government’s COVID-19 policies. Officials say several investigations are underway into reports of severe vandalism and criminal behavior including the desecration of national monuments," Brzezinski explained.

"Meanwhile, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson said some protesters harassed a soup kitchen, demanding free meals because their refusal to wear masks meant they were not to order in restaurants. That soup kitchen tweeted COVID protesters were given meals to defuse the conflict and that this weekend’s events caused significant strain on our operations at an already difficult time," she added.

Scarborough said the protesters took food out of the mouth of the homeless and they were hypocrites for not being concerned about other vaccines that are required to go to school.

"They’ve become what they hated. They’ve become what they mocked and now they’re taking food from soup kitchens because they’re so put upon for being asked to do what they’ve been asked to do, required to do their entire lives," he continued. "It's a cult."