
Biden's Liberal Media Lapdogs Hard at Work to Defend Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan

It was inevitable, but sure enough, as the sun comes up every morning, the mainstream media changed gears and ran defense for the Biden administration's poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan after the Taliban took over the country.

Every day, another horror story comes out of an American trying to get to Hamid Karzai International Airport in order to be evacuated but is unable to, mostly due to the Taliban preventing people from reaching the inside of the airport.

It's not hard to find those praising the Biden administration's efforts in Afghanistan because White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain has been busy on Twitter retweeting all the praise he can find, which is scant. It has reached the point where Klain has retweeted Washington Post liberal blogger Jennifer Rubin.

One of the main talking points from Biden and his defenders has been the number of people the administration has been able to evacuate in the past week. "How can the evacuation be so terrible? Look how many people are getting out!" they say. While it is good that flights are coming and going, it is telling that the government can't give a hard number of how many of those are American, given that many who are leaving appear to be Afghan. While there is nothing wrong with helping out those who helped our troops during the war, the priority should be getting our people out of the country.

This isn't to say there has not been good fact-checking from other reporters. Many of those praising the Biden administration's objectively disastrous exit are people who are not on the ground in Kabul. What can be assured is no matter how hard Biden trips, sometimes literally, there will be those in the media who will stop at nothing to trip alongside him to make it look like nothing is wrong.