
Why Was Tesla Excluded from Biden's EV Summit? Psaki Drops a Big Hint.

Tesla is the biggest name on the global stage when it comes to electric vehicle manufacturing. In 2012, the company increased its annual sales from $400 million to $31.5 billion in 2020, according to industry reporting. With those kinds of numbers and the fact that it's the "most American made EV," one would think Tesla would have been invited to President Biden's EV summit.

Strangely enough, the company didn't receive an invitation, with CEO Elon Musk noting that the decision "seems odd."

So, what gives? White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about it last week and not surprisingly, she suggested the invitation wasn't extended because Tesla isn't unionized. 

"Well, we, of course, welcome the efforts of all automakers who recognize the potential of an electric vehicle future and support efforts that will help reach the president's goal. And certainly, Tesla is one of those companies," she said, according to Fox News. "Today, it's the three largest employers of the United Auto Workers, and the UAW president who will stand with President Biden as he announces his ambitious new target, but I would not expect this is the last time we talk about clean cars, the move toward electric vehicles, and we look forward to having a range of partners in that effort." 

When pressed if unionization had to do with it, she reiterated "the three largest employers of the United Auto Workers." 

"I'll let you draw your own conclusions," she added.